This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Princess and Debbie

Once upon a time there was a Husband, named Jay. He wasn't thinking on this particular day. We had talked about one day getting a fish tank for our daughter like our son but I discouraged him and said no we have fish let's wait until she can help take care and get her a gerbil. Notice and reread the part about WAIT UNTIL SHE CAN HELP~he become deaf during those words hence, he didn't hear those words uttered. Less than 2 days later I have not 1 gerbil but....are you ready 2 hamsters~Princess and Debbie my Sara named them. Oh they were sooooooo......rats not a cute thing about them and I said one day.... not today and 1 gerbil not....2 hamsters. I know what is the deal with hamsters and gerbils~one has a tail and everybody know that the tail is the handle to catch them with. Now I teach Kindergarten and I know that 1 plus 1 equals 2. My wonderful hubby who is trying for Dad of the year says it is so they will keep each other company~So I ask..How do you know that you have 2 girls? Reply~the salesperson grabbed 2. I ask~What makes you think she is not an idiot? Reply~Now honey! So my family has 4 cats, 1 dog, too many fish, 2 kids (3 if you count my husband) and 2 hamsters:Princess and Debbie. Well~I hated to admit it but they were cute to watch and at night they sure did enjoy the wheel~nocturnal animals you know. Well my 11 year old comes to me about 3 weeks after the new addition arrives and yells for me to come quick something is wrong with one of the hamsters. I am not doing cpr on a rat of any kind "What is wrong? I ask. Chris tells me that one of them has something sideways on his butt~Hello? What did you say? He repeats now my 6 year old wants to come check it out. Well sure enough I am expecting to see Debbie giving birth......Nope.....Want to guess again. Remember this is the child who thinks he knows it all about puberty and sex right? Nope! I look expecting the worse and find ~ nuts! Yep! Princess is really a Prince. So at first I laugh and explain to my son that when we got the critters everything was too small and now they have grown and you notice them. That is when I realize that if Princess is really a Prince and we have Debbie tooo(Nope I checked she is like a Mounds candy bar~no nuts). Oh crap! WE could have babies. That exact moment~MY Hubby the love of my life ~The man that is going to start sleeping on the couch speaks "Oh yeah~the other nite I caught them "wrestling" wink wink and forgot to mention it to you. Oh well there is a reason I am fixed for a reason I have plenty to feed, dress, clean, I don't know nothing about birthing hamster babies. Until June 18th~yes they arrived! ALL 7 OF THEM! The ugliest, hairless, wiggly, peanuts you could ever imagine. So now I have 9 hamsters to go with the rest of my family~but I have convinced the family to take real good care of them. If they don't I just told them they will all make excellent food for the cats! It is working so far!! OK it is just a joke I would not harm any animal...(with the exception of my Hubby!) And we all lived happily ever after!


dot said...

That is halarious! You are really a good writer. NO, I do not want a hampster! lol

Susan said...

Dot ~you know that you want one!! I will give you the same deal the pet store gave me~2 girls ~wink wink!

Suburbia said...

Oh no! That's too funny.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh my! Have you forgiven your husband yet?

But they are awfully cute ...