This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer is Really Here!

I feel like I have been absent for a long time and haven't caught up on anyone~but I am back! summer is here and I have already read 2 books and in the process of my 3rd. The kids are getting on each others nerves but... not bad enough to go pick weeds in the yard. I feel that so much weight has been lifted and now I can be a Mom for the next few weeks. That is something I love! I have officially begun making my list of the things I want to accomplish this summer! I have high hopes for these next 2 months! I hope that I get alot done but maybe even Mr.Honey, the 2 kids, and me can get away for a couple of days to unwind and have fun! Gotta run but "I'll be back!"


Liz Hinds said...

Make sure you find time to relax and do lots of fun things as well as must-do things! Enjoy!

Suburbia said...

I hope you do manage to get a holiday, it sounds like you really deserve one.

How long do you get before reterning to school? (Not that I don't want to remind you of it or anything!!)

Susan said...

Liz~I have already started~I love to read and I don't read during the school year because I don't like puting down a good book. I also plan to sit back and make some cards~which is therapy for me! Thanks
Suburbia~Being home with the kids is a holiday! We will probably get away for a little while. I do not go back until August 1st. So we will have several weeks to chill before going back to work/school.

Thanks for missing me!