This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Clear My Head

Well I am trying to clear my head. For almost 3 years my husband and I have been working on getting things settled from being injured. I get tired of talking about it because I hate that it is constantly on my brain. But it is~Constantly there! I am so tired of this mess and yet it has consumed our life because it has caused us to regroup and rearrange our life and move forward. My kids have been affected by our stress. I have gained so much weight and Jay has just lost sleep. I can honestly say that I have been depresses and this summer have accomplished nothing. I eat, cook, and worry. What I really want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep. Just so i can avoid the issues. I guess the reason I am blogging this crap~is to unload, admit and move on. We had hoped big developments were to occur today. But once again~it didn't pan out. That is ok! I have had to regroup and re~evaluate and here is what I discovered. If nothing happens~I am ok! I do want things to be over. But I have seen so many ways the God has blessed my family and that is all that matters. God has seen us through this event with Jay not losing his eye or his complete vision,a new and better job for Jay, and a much stronger~but very stressed family. I do not care if I have to pay the medical bills that should have been covered by the former boss. I know in my heart and head we have played by the rules and learned from this experience. I do see this as a life lesson that I have walked away with strength, courage, success, and a stronger faith in God. I have always know that God would never give me more than I can handle and I doubted this during this time in my life but as always He saw me and my family through this tribublation. I am glad to know that with God on my side I can handle all things through Him. Now I have to get my butt up and get this extra baggage off my rear. And i know I can do this~but it is not going to be fun! I am grateful for my family and friends~they are the ones that kept my mind on the important things and they kept us in their prayers. That is a debt I will never be able to repay! Have a Super Duper Friday! I know I will now that I have gotten this off my chest~too bad it took me 3 days! See ya!


Liz Hinds said...

What a great tribute to God this is!

But well done you for hanging on in there when you felt like giving up or the doubts poured in.

I really hope it can all be put behind you and you can throw off the stress (and the pounds!) On the other hand, God cares about fairness and justice too so I hope legally there will be recompense for Jay's injury.

Enjoy your summer!

dot said...

Good post and you certainly have the right attitude about it all.

Susan said...

Thanks Liz and Dot! It is that kind of support that has helped my family through this ordeal.

Suburbia said...

Hi Susan
Sorry I have only just caught up. I hope you are continuing to move forward, stress is a hard thing to live with. My best wishes to you all.
PS How are the spots! Getting better now I hope.