This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

TGI Weekend

Why does it seem that the weekends fly by so fast! We have had a busy one just running errands going to birthday parties and getting ready for my son's 11 birthday! I hate to see how time speeds up the older I get. I would love to slow the weekends down because that is when my family is all together doing the things we enjoy! I want the times with my children to last becuse they are growing and changing daily! I want to always be able to hold my youngest and rock her to sleep~She is 6 and fast outgrowing my lap. I hope that we will build fun traditions and good memories that last them a lifetime. So they can pass them down to their children! Hope you have a good weekend! Enjoy your family!


dot said...

The weekends do go fast except for the 7 plus years that I worked every one. I know just what you mean and then one day you look back and your kids are all grown and gone and you wonder how it could have happened so quick. Enjoy it while you can!

Andrea said...

I blinked my eyes on day and POOF my girls were grown up. Yeah, I know, but that is how it felt. Now I am enjoying watching my grandson each day while his parents work and POOF it is happening even faster with him. I do agree with you, family is important. When our first daughter moved out I decided to set Monday as Family night. I cook a big meal each Monday and now both our girls, their husbands and our grandson eat with us. This is our family time and the girls do not have to worry about cooking on Monday evenings. Plus it saves them a little money. But more important, it gives this set of parents time with their grown little girls one night a week.