This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I write with a heavy heart and I am writing just so I can get my thought off my chest. I received a phone call from my brother tonight. Well~I assumed Hell had frozen over or he wanted to discuss putting my Mama in an assisted living center. You see although we live in the same town we aren't very close. Well I was wrong~way wrong. He wanted to tell me about his wife~they found breast cancer. Wow! You could blow me over with a whisper. It is not that I thought my life would not be impacted by cancer. But her Mom died at an early age of cancer and ever since she has annual test and scans just to be precarious. Some times she completes scan every 6 months because of family history. They asked me not to say anything but because they wanted to be able to notify certain people and they didn't want me to hear it through the rumor vine. But they are also doing more test, bone scans and gathering all data to make decisions. My heart hurts because she is a very very private person and she does not share personal issues and I know that they are all over whelmed. She has two kids (16 and 12 year old boys)and I am sure they are rattled. Oh well thanks for listening and if my cookie crumb friend reads my blog~please just keep it in your cookie jar until I know more. Well~I'm off~Good Night!


Suburbia said...

So sorry to hear your news. What a shock after taking so many precautions. My thoughts are with you and your family.

dot said...

A sad thing for any one.

Susan said...

Suburbia and Dot~Thanks so much for your kind words! We all have a positive attitude and are ready to hear from the test from this week. Thanks!

Liz Hinds said...

The good thing is that as she has regular tests the chances are that it has been detected early. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.