This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Sad Note

If asked~I would call myself a optimistic individual! But...I would also say that I see myself as a realistic person,too. I got a call tonight about a teacher that I worked with 5-6 years ago had passed away. I taught with her for only a few years before she moved away but her death caught me off guard. I am not saying that we were the closest of friends and were in the same circles. What I am saying is this mother of 2 under 45 years old died. I am not going to get into the whats or whys or hows. What this entry is about is making the most of today. We have to always live for today and make the most of every minute of this day. Who is going to care when I am dead and gone if my house needed to be dusted(Which it does~and at this moment I don't care). What does matter? My husband and my children, who do not come first often enough. My house, yard, clothes, car are not things that are going to matter. I want to take the here and now and build traditions, values, and most of all memories to pass on to my love ones. I know that when it is my time to go I want to be ready and I don't want people to sit around and cry. I want people to sit back, laugh telling stories of stupid /crazy things I have done or said, and know that I have enjoyed living my life! I hope that I don't waste a minute of today worrying about what color my new lipstick needs to be. I do want to lose some weight and become healthier but it is not so that string thong bikini will look good this summer. For those of you who know me and know that I am no where near a size 12 much less a size 2~I am sure that visual image has made you laugh! So for my thought for today~who cares if your bra and underwear match or if your house is cleaned~think about what you want your family and friends to remember or think about when they think about you after you have moved on from this world! No one knows how much time we have~so live in the now and live for yourself today! Make today all you can be!


Nadine said...

I am so sorry to hear that....but just so you know, I have lots of good and funny memories with you! You are truly a special person, and I cherish our friendship.

Andrea said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. I realized in December 2006 when my daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor that a lot of things really don't matter. It opened my eyes to realize our loved ones are way more important than the materialistic things in this world. I was never a materialistic person but I put other things before the important things in my life. My prayers are with your friends family and friends during this sad time of losing their loved one.

dot said...

Sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes I'm at a loss for words and this is one of those times. You made a good post today.