This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Students from the past

I am so excited! I just watched a news piece about the special needs class at the High School. this particular class ran a coffee shop and sold to the students and teachers. It was teaching life skills and money management. Plus so much more!! The reason it excited me is because at least 5 or 6 of those kids had been in my preschool sp. ed. class and that is so much what I stressed to those parents. Let them be as independent as possible don't do for them what they can do for themselves. To me that is one of the most important thing for them to learn. Don't set limits and have high expectations. I loved watching those kids do things they could and interact with others and how others accepted them for who they are and not look at them as if they are limited. I am not trying to say that it is me that put them where they are~I was just a small input many years ago(13 years or more). What I am excited about is the fact I was right in what I was trying to teach the parents and the students. Just because there is a label doesn't mean you have to be limited. A label is a word. These children that have been touched in a very unique way by God have hidden gifts and talents that we (the normal people) won't always fully understand. We just have to accept them for where they are and take them as far as they can go!
For those of you that have set the goal to try to lose weight and get healthy!!! I just want to toot my own horn~ Since January 1st I have walked 3 miles everyday but 2 days!! I don't think that I have lost more than 2-3 pounds but I am sticking with it!! I am trying to stay positive!! Have a Great Week!!!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

You go had a lot to do with the children you have taught. You are an awesome teacher!