This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Looks Like We Made It...

Wow! We made it to the 100th day of Kindergarten!! I really had a great time to day! We counted fingers by 5's to 100, jumped 100 times, drew pictures of 100 things we could eat, made a special snack with 100 items, and shared our 100 collections we brought from home. My favorite part~when the one child who truly gets on my nerves asked me this innocent question, "So today is the last day?" I am sorry but I so wanted to say~Yes! I have always said that God gives me the students that I am suppose to have~but as I have come to know these are the kids that have something to teach me! I truly have learned a lot this year from my kindergarteners! For instance when your noise sounds funny~you should go home because you are sick. If a child asks you whether you and your husband hibernate~before answering ask him what exactly do you mean. When a child asks you can you have your baby at school so they can watch~the answer is always no! If a child asks you to rub cream under his poopec (sp?) The answer is still ~no! I hope I can always find humor in my classroom because when the humor is gone~~~it just want be a fun place to teach or learn and I will have to pack up my toys and retire! I hope you have a Smurfy Night!


Darla said...

100 things? That's a big number for little kids. I'll bet they enjoyed celebrating it.


Nadine said...

Okay.....what am I suppose to learn from my little "student"....I am still waiting to figure this out. LOL You are such a fun teacher! I know the kids enjoyed it.

dot said...

Sounds like a fun day! I wonder about the snack with 100 items.
Kids do say the darndest things.

Andrea said...

Children are so special. As you know some are blessed with loving parents and raised in good homes but then some are not so blessed. It is not their fault where they came from but we have to teach those that is does not matter where they came from but they have the decision of where they go in the future. We try to teach that to children and teens who come to us with their problems in our church. So your goal would be to plant some self esteem in the children who seem to have problems and are starving for attention.