This is a corner of my world where the hokey pokey really is what it's all about! So when life hits you all at once ~ just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Monday, January 21, 2008


I wouldn't call it a vacation at all. I would call it just having a nasty cold! Today is the first day I have been up in 3 days! I don't recommend it to any one wanting to take a few days off. I did visit a few sites and saw some beautiful snow pictures! We didn't have any snow but it has been cold for the past few days! I still will say that this cold weather is my favorite time of year! Afterall, cold weather doesn't make you sick~Germs do!! Have a great start to a wonderful week!


Andrea said...

Vacation? Wouldn't call it that at all? All I can think of is today is MLK Day and you must have been off. Are things not going well for you today? Both my daughters were off today. One works at a bank and the other at a courthouse. Since my daughter who works at the courthouse was off today then I was off today from taking care of my grandson. I sure do miss him but they will all be over tonight for our every Monday family night. Since it is cold today I am cooking a big breakfast for our evening meal.

Susan said...

You are cooking my favorite meal!I think that it is my favorite meal to cook on a cold night. Yes, I was sick these past few days so I was glad I could be home! My students do not understand it when I get sick~they think that should never happen!

Andrea said...

Hope you are feeling better this morning? Yes, nasty germs are everywhere. The cold air is refreshing and kills off some of the germs so I cannot see it making anyone sick, unless they are out getting wet in the cold.

Nadine said...

Okay, I am glad you are feeling better.....but I gotta tell you, I just realized you had a blog. I went back and read all your other posts, but know I am stupid when it comes to this....I actually just clicked on your cute icon and it brought me here. So I am gonna put it in my favorites now! Hopefully you had a good day back to school!

Paulie said...

I love snow too -- now if we would just get some that would stick for awhile. Get better!